Fundraising for Radharanis Boutique

Jai Sri RadheShyam! Sri Nitai Gour Haribol! Sri Guru Kripa he kebalam! The biksha collection pot has just been blessed by dear Baba with the first kind donation for Repairs and cooking equipment for Radharani’s kitchen at our UK ashram. Baba has said we need to make Radharani’s kitchen Radharani’s SWEET kitchen by lovingly doing […]

Building a Community of Love and Devotion at Sri Gour Kripa Dham

Sri Gour Kripa Dham is more than an ashram; it is a thriving community bound by love, devotion, and a shared commitment to Krishna’s teachings. Our ashram brings together individuals from all walks of life, creating a space where differences dissolve, and hearts unite in the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment and service to others. The […]

The Spiritual Retreat: What to Expect at Sri Gour Kripa Dham

A visit to Sri Gour Kripa Dham is not just a retreat; it is an opportunity for spiritual awakening and renewal. Whether you come for a day or stay for an extended period, the ashram offers a unique blend of activities that cater to the mind, body, and soul. From meditation sessions and devotional singing […]

Service to Humanity: Living Krishna’s Teachings at Sri Gour Kripa Dham

At the heart of Sri Gour Kripa Dham is a profound commitment to seva—selfless service to humanity. Inspired by Lord Krishna’s teachings, the ashram serves as a beacon of hope and compassion, reaching out to those in need and fostering a culture of giving. For us, spirituality is not limited to prayer or meditation; it […]